13ª Conferência Internacional da LARES - Latin American Real Estate Society

11 a 13 de setembro de 2013 - Centro Brasileiro Britânico - São Paulo/SP


It gives me very great pleasure to be part of this Latin American Real Estate Society Conference. The International Real Estate Society creates a unifying platform for Real Estate academics and practitioners globally through a variety of activities.

Currently, IRES is promoting a database of global Faculities of RE to aid academic exchange programmes as well as opportunity for Research collaboration. This process is being driven by Kimberly Winson (Kimberly.winson@unimelb.edu.au) and the more information she can collect from all members of IRES sister societies, the more robust and valuable the database will be.

The IRES theme for this year is International Real Estate Education, which is providing opportunity for discussion on real estate education on global perspective. I will like the Latin American Real Estate Society to please join us in the development of the Academic Facility database and announcement of vacant positions for which international academics will be best suited.

I wish you a fruitful meeting.

Akinola Olawore
International Real Estate Society



É com grande alegria que estamos realizando a 13ª Conferência Internacional da Latin American Real Estate Society – LARES. De 11 a 13 de setembro aqui em São Paulo teremos a oportunidade de estreitar relações de pesquisadores com profissionais que atuam no mercado de real estate no Brasil e na América Latina, sempre com o foco na disseminação do conhecimento e na melhorias das decisões nas empresas.

Importa destacar também que a LARES proporciona e incentiva aos seus associados a troca de informações com seus pares numa perspectiva internacional, por meio da rede de relacionamento da IRES (International Real Estate Society) e das outras sisters societies a ela vinculadas.

Nesta conferência debateremos os problemas do real estate no tecido urbano, em particular em Megacidades, os investimentos em loteamentos residenciais, o comportamento dos preços no mercado residencial e as perspectivas nos segmentos de imóveis para renda.

Aglutinando o esforço conjunto de profissionais e entidades do setor, a Conferência se firma como ambiente profícuo para profissionais do mercado, pesquisadores e acadêmicos se encontrarem, compartilharem informações de qualidade e evoluírem em suas pesquisas. Este é o propósito maior da LARES.



It is with great happiness that we are carrying out the 13th International Conference of Latin American Real Estate Society – LARES. From 11th to 13th September here in São Paulo we are going to have the opportunity of improving relationship among real estate researchers and practitioners in Brazil and Latin America, always focused on knowledge dissemination and companies' decision making improvement.

It is also important to pointed out that LARES encourages and facilitates information exchanging in a international perspective by using the IRES and the others sisters societies network. At this Conference we will discuss real estate problems regarding the urban tissue, particularly in what concerns to Megacities, the investments in land parceling for residential purposes, besides we are going to debate real estate prices fluctuation and scenarios for commercial real estate.

Clumping the joint effort of industry professionals and organizations, the LARES Conference stands as an environment advantageous for practitioners, researchers and academics to share qualified information and to step forward their research. This the LARES main purpose.



Prof. Dr. Claudio Tavares de Alencar
Presidente da LARES