É com grande satisfação que estamos realizando a 14ª Conferência Internacional da Latin American Real Estate Society – LARES. De 17 a 20 de setembro aqui no Rio de Janeiro pela primeira vez. Teremos a oportunidade de estreitar relações de pesquisadores com profissionais que atuam no mercado de real estate no Brasil e na América Latina, sempre com o foco na disseminação do conhecimento e na melhoria das organizações envolvidas com empreendimentos do real estate.

É importante destacar que a LARES proporciona e incentiva aos seus associados a troca de informações com seus pares numa perspectiva internacional, por meio da rede de relacionamento da IRES (International Real Estate Society) e das outras sisters societies a ela vinculadas.

Nesta conferência debateremos os problemas pelos quais está passando o real estate comercial, em particular o mercado de escritórios, o desempenho macroeconômico brasileiro e os impactos no setor de real estate, a dinâmica dos preços no mercado residencial, no Brasil e no exterior, a recuperação dos principiais mercados internacionais depois da crise de 2008 e os principais programas de social housing na América Latina.

Aglutinando o esforço conjunto de profissionais e entidades do setor, a Conferência se destaca como ambiente profícuo para profissionais do mercado, pesquisadores e acadêmicos se encontrarem, compartilharem informações de qualidade e evoluírem em suas pesquisas. Este é o propósito maior da LARES.



It is with great satisfaction that we are carrying out the 14th International Conference of Latin American Real Estate Society – LARES. From 17th to 20th September here in Rio de Janeiro for the first time. We are going to have the opportunity of improving relationship among real estate researchers and practitioners in Brazil and Latin America, always focused on knowledge dissemination and the improvement of all types of organizations in the real estate sector.

It is also important to pointed out that LARES encourages and facilitates information exchanging in a international perspective by using the IRES and the others sisters societies network. At this Conference we will discuss real estate problems regarding the commercial real estate, particularly in what concerns to the office market, the Brazilian macroeconomic performance and its impacts on the real estate sector, the prices dynamics of the residential market, in Brazil and abroad, the recovering of the main international real estate markets after the 2008 crisis and the main social housing programs in Latin America.

Clumping the joint effort of industry professionals and organizations, the LARES Conference stands as an environment advantageous for practitioners, researchers and academics to share qualified information and to step forward their research. This the LARES main purpose.


Prof. Dr. Claudio Tavares de Alencar
Presidente da LARES


Dear LARES Delegates,

As the President of the International Real Estate Society it is my pleasure to welcome you to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the 14th LARES International Conference.

The International Real Estate Society (IRES) was established 20 years ago to promote the development of real estate education and research at an international level. It was established at a 1994 American Real Estate Society meeting in Santa Barbara by a group from Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the USA. Formal annual meetings did not start until 1999, when it was decided to support one sister society meeting a year on a rotational basis.

IRES is the umbrella organisation for the seven regional real estate societies. Strong links have grown between the members of the IRES that include PRRES, and the American (ARES), European (ERES), Asian (AsRES), African (AfRES), Latin American (LaRES) and Middle Eastern and North African (MENARES) Real Estate Societies.

The mission of the International Real Estate Society is to be a society that:

  • Facilitates the communication of, and collaboration in, real estate research and education at a global level,
  • to recognize outstanding service and leadership of its members to recognize outstanding service and leadership of its members.

We will achieve this by:

  • communicating regularly with all sister societies about global activities,
  • hosting and updating the IRES website,
  • supporting emerging societies,
  • fostering global outreach,
  • co-supporting one real estate society meeting each year at which IRES awards will be presented, and
  • providing guidance on best practice approaches for hosting conferences and related functions.

In addition to the excellent keynote addresses, academic and industry papers containing cutting edge research, three best papers will be awarded during the event.

A special thank you to the conference chair, Professor Dr. Claudio Tavares de Alencar, and the conference committee who have organised a fantastic and exciting conference program.

Enjoy the conference and the city of Rio that is described by Lonely Plant (2014) as:

“Rio de Janeiro, known as the cidade maravilhosa (marvelous city), is nothing if not exhilarating. Flanked by gorgeous mountains, white-sand beaches and verdant rainforests fronting deep blue sea, Rio occupies one of the most spec- tacular settings of any metropolis in the world.”

Professor Sandy Bond
President IRES