About the event

An opportunity for researchers, professionals and academics to meet and debate, in an international environment, the impacts and future projections for Real Estate ahead the current circumstances in Brazil and in the world.

OCTOBER 17th-18th

VENUE: São Paulo-SP, Milenium Centro de Convenções - SECOVI SP

Key Deadlines

Abstract submission
Abstract acceptance
Full paper submission
Full paper acceptance
Author registration deadline


HIGHLIGHTING the following themes

Corporate Real Estate Management

Real Estate and Economics

Housing Policy

Urban and Regional Analysis

Sustainable Real Estate

Proptechs, Data analytics and AI in Real Estate

Valuation and Appraisal Methods

Real Estate Finance and Investment

Submission paper

The papers must contain the following guidelines:

1) Abstracts and full papers can be prepared either in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

2) There will be English-Portuguese translation services available during the conference.

3) Only original papers related to the conference themes are accepted.

4) All submissions are evaluated by peer reviewers and approved by the Scientific Committee.

5) For the paper be part of the proceedings it is mandatory the author event registration.

Template abstract
Template full paper


Registration deadline
Before 27/09/2024 Between 28/09 and 02/10 After 02/10
General Public and Non-Member R$ 500,00 R$ 550,00 R$ 600,00
LARES Members, IRES Members and Sisters Societies R$ 400,00 R$ 440,00 R$ 480,00
Authors and Supporters* R$ 250,00 R$ 280,00 R$ 300,00
Graduating Students R$ 80,00 R$ 280,00 R$ 300,00

*Collaboratos of companies member of entities, sindicates and associations and students (except graduation), teachers and researchers of supporter universities

Register now

Program Schedule

23a. Conferência Internacional da (versão 27/06/24)

17 E 18 DE OUTUBRO DE 2024

Os desafios à frente: HIS, Crédito Imobiliário e Clima
8:30 - 9:00 Credenciamento
9:00 – 9:15
(15 minutos)
Abertura – Hamilton Leite
9:15 – 10:30
Plenária 1 – Cenário Econômico e o Mercado Imobiliário
Moderador: Moderador: MSc. Claudio Gaiarsa
10:30 – 11:00
(30 minutos)
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:15
Sessões Paralelas (Apresentações de Artigos)
12:15 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:45
Plenária 2 – Crédito Imobiliário (Funding)
Moderador: Ronaldo Cury
15:15 – 15:45
(30 minutos)
Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:00
Sessões Paralelas (Apresentações de Artigos)
13:30 – 14:45
Plenária 3 – “Inovations and solutions for housing affordability”
Moderador: Professor Velma Zahirovic-Herbert - Martha and Robert Fogelman
Family Chair in Sustainable Real Estate - The University of Memphis

13:30 – 14:45
Plenária 4 – Adequações nos projetos decorrentes das alterações climáticas
Moderador: Beto Zamberlan
10:15 – 10:45
(30 minutos)
Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:15
Sessões Paralelas (Apresentações de Artigos)
12:15 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:45
Plenárias paralelas
Plenária 5 – Impactos da reforma tributária no setor imobiliário
Moderador: Maria Regina Abdo
Plenária 6 – Real Estate e os serviços de Saúde
Moderador: Paulo Pereira
Plenária 5 – Sala Emilio Haddad - Urbanismo
Moderador: Arq. Renata Bagnolesi
14:45 – 15:15
(30 minutos)
Coffee Break
15:15 – 17:00
Sessões Paralelas (Apresentações de Artigos)
17:00 – 17:30
(30 minutos)
Plenária - Patrocinador(es) do Prêmio LARES
Moderador: Arq. Renata Bagnolesi
17:30 – 18:15
(45 minutos)
Premiação e encerramento
Presidente da Comissão Julgadora: Hugo Louro


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Master Sponsor

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Realization & Organization
